Award & Certifications


Shanti Group in Raipur

Celebrating Our Triumph: 1st Rank in Non-Domestic Sales (ND to DOM Ratio)

Dear Valued Visitors,

We are thrilled to announce a momentous achievement that fills us with immense pride – Shanti HP Gas Agency, Raipur LPG Regional Office, has secured the prestigious 1st rank in the Non-Domestic Sales to Domestic Sales Ratio!

This remarkable feat is a testament to our unwavering commitment, relentless drive, and exceptional teamwork. By achieving this milestone, we have demonstrated our ability to excel in diversifying our market presence and delivering outstanding service across customer segments.

Our ability to strike a harmonious balance between catering to diverse non-domestic clients and nurturing a strong domestic base is a testament to our strategic acumen and customer-centric approach.

This accomplishment not only reflects our dedication but also our deep understanding of market dynamics and customer needs. It underscores our philosophy of constantly evolving and adapting to deliver unmatched value to our clients.

While this achievement is a cause for celebration, it also ignites our passion to reach even greater heights. Our journey towards sustained excellence continues, and we are committed to maintaining this momentum through continuous innovation, dedication, and collaboration.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible team for their unwavering dedication and exceptional efforts. This achievement belongs to each and every one of us who have contributed to our collective success.

Thank you for your trust and support. Together, we celebrate this victory and embrace the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

Warm regards,

Shanti HP Gas Agency, Raipur LPG Regional Office

Shanti Group in Raipur

Celebrating Excellence: Achieving All India 1st Rank in CFA Channel - BJT Segment

Dear Esteemed Clients, Partners, and Supporters,

With immense joy and pride, we share a remarkable achievement that fills us with gratitude and excitement. Shanti Traders has secured the prestigious All India 1st Rank in the CFA Channel - BJT Segment not once, but twice – in the years 2019 and 2022!

This achievement underscores our commitment to excellence, innovation, and relentless pursuit of customer satisfaction. It is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our entire team, whose unwavering efforts have propelled us to this remarkable milestone.

Our journey to becoming an industry leader has been marked by dedication, perseverance, and a deep-rooted passion for delivering value to our clients. This recognition wouldn't have been possible without the trust and confidence that our clients, partners, and supporters have placed in us.

At Shanti Traders, we believe in pushing boundaries, embracing challenges, and exceeding expectations. This achievement is a reflection of our collective resolve to consistently raise the bar and set new standards of excellence in the industry.

As we celebrate this milestone, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our clients for their continued faith in us and to our partners for their unwavering support. Your belief in our capabilities has been instrumental in our journey towards success.

This achievement isn't an endpoint, but a new beginning. We are committed to building on this success and continuing to provide innovative solutions, exceptional service, and unmatched quality to our valued clients.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Here's to a future filled with even greater accomplishments, collaborative partnerships, and shared success.

Best regards,

Shanti Traders

Shanti Group in Raipur

Celebrating Success: Shanti Traders Receives AOP Award for the Year 2018-2019 from Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited

Dear Esteemed Clients, Partners, and Supporters,

We are excited and honored to share a significant achievement with all of you. Shanti Traders has been recognized and awarded the prestigious AOP (Annual Operating Plan) Award for the year 2018-2019 by Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited!

This achievement is a testimony to our unwavering commitment to excellence, dedication to quality, and adherence to the highest standards of performance. The AOP Award underscores our team's consistent efforts in aligning with the vision and objectives of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited.

At Shanti Traders, we have always believed in the power of determination, hard work, and a customer-centric approach. This recognition reinforces our belief that by staying true to our values and maintaining a relentless focus on quality, we can achieve remarkable heights.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited for this esteemed award and for their trust in our capabilities. We also extend our appreciation to our clients and partners whose continued support has been instrumental in our success.

As we celebrate this milestone, we also recognize that this achievement is not an endpoint but a stepping stone toward even greater accomplishments. We remain committed to upholding the values that have brought us this far and to consistently surpassing expectations.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Together, we will continue to forge ahead, creating a future marked by shared success, collaboration, and innovation.

Best regards,

Shanti Traders

Shanti Group in Raipur

Celebrating Triumph: Shanti HP Gas Agency Secures 1st Rank in ND Sales Excellence Award 2022-2023

Dear Valued Customers, Partners, and Supporters,

We are delighted to share an outstanding achievement that fills us with immense pride and joy. Shanti HP Gas Agency has achieved an exceptional milestone by securing the 1st Rank in the ND Sales Excellence Award for the years 2022-2023!

This accomplishment speaks volumes about our team's unwavering commitment, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence. The ND Sales Excellence Award is a testament to our passion for providing top-notch services and our relentless efforts to exceed customer expectations.

At Shanti HP Gas Agency, we firmly believe that excellence is not just an achievement but a way of life. This recognition reaffirms our dedication to consistently delivering quality services and upholding the highest standards of customer satisfaction.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our valued customers who have placed their trust in us. Your support and encouragement have been invaluable in this journey of achievement. We also thank our dedicated team for their hard work, determination, and commitment to excellence.

While this award is a remarkable accomplishment, it also marks the beginning of a new chapter. We are determined to build on this success, continuously improve our services, and innovate to provide you with even better experiences.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Together, we will continue to raise the bar, set new standards, and create a future filled with shared successes.

Best regards,

Shanti HP Gas Agency

Celebrating Success: Shanti HP Gas Agency Secures 3rd Rank in ND Packed Sales Volume Gain 2021-2022

Celebrating Success: Shanti HP Gas Agency Secures 3rd Rank in ND Packed Sales Volume Gain 2021-2022

Dear Valued Customers,

We are thrilled to share some fantastic news with you all. Shanti HP Gas Agency has achieved a significant milestone by securing the 3rd rank in ND Packed Sales for the years 2021-2022. This accomplishment is a testament to our commitment to excellence and your unwavering support.

Our journey towards this achievement has been one of determination, hard work, and a deep focus on delivering quality products and services to you, our valued customers. We recognize that none of this would have been possible without your trust and loyalty.

Your choice to rely on Shanti HP Gas Agency has been pivotal in this accomplishment. It's your continued patronage that motivates us to reach even greater heights and redefine industry standards.

As we celebrate this success, we reiterate our pledge to provide you with top-notch products, efficient services, and an experience that you can always count on. We are not resting on our laurels; instead, we are more committed than ever to continuously improve and innovate.

This achievement reinforces our belief in the power of collaboration. We consider you, our customers, as partners in our journey, and we are excited about the future we are building together.

Thank you for being an integral part of our success story. We are honored to have earned your trust and look forward to continuing to serve you with the utmost dedication.

Warm regards,

Shanti HP Gas Agency

Shanti Group in Raipur

Congratulations on Receiving the Highest Performance Award from.

We are

delighted to share the fantastic news that our esteemed Director, Mr. Kamal Agrawal, has been honored with the highest performance award for CFA in Central India. This outstanding achievement was recognized by none other than the Honorable Chairman of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited.

In the year 2008, Mr. Agrawal's dedication, hard work, and commitment to excellence have shone brightly, making us immensely proud as part of the Shanti Traders family. This accolade is a testament to his unwavering pursuit of excellence and his significant contributions to the field.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Kamal Agrawal for this remarkable accomplishment. His dedication not only reflects his personal commitment but also exemplifies the high standards we uphold at Shanti Traders.

We are certain that this achievement will inspire us all to reach for greater heights and continue to make significant strides in our respective endeavors.

Once again, hearty congratulations to Mr. Kamal Agrawal for his outstanding performance and for bringing this prestigious recognition to Shanti Traders.

Best regards,

Shanti Traders

Shanti Group in Raipur

Felicitation for Remarkable Achievement of Double-Digit Growth

We are thrilled to announce that our esteemed Director, Mr. Kamal Agrawal, has been felicitated with a well-deserved award for his exceptional leadership and remarkable achievement of double-digit growth during the financial year 2012-13. The honor was bestowed upon him by none other than the Chairman, Shri S. Roy Choudhary, recognizing his outstanding contributions to Shanti Traders.

Mr. Agrawal's dedication, strategic vision, and tireless efforts have led to this significant accomplishment, setting a remarkable example for all of us. Achieving double-digit growth in a competitive market is a testament to his foresight and commitment to excellence.

We extend our warmest congratulations to Mr. Kamal Agrawal for this outstanding achievement and for bringing pride to the Shanti Traders family. This accolade is not only a reflection of his dedication but also a representation of the values and standards we hold dear.

We are confident that Mr. Agrawal's success will continue to inspire all of us to push our boundaries and achieve new milestones in our professional journeys.

Please join us in celebrating this remarkable achievement and extending our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Kamal Agrawal.

Best regards,

Shanti Traders

Shanti Group in Raipur

Warm Greetings from Shanti HP Gas Agency Partner Kamal Agrawal to Chairman Ms. Nishi Vasudeva

Dear Chairman Ms. Nishi Vasudeva,

It is my honor and privilege, on behalf of Shanti HP Gas Agency, to extend our warmest greetings to you.

As the partner of Shanti HP Gas Agency, I have had the privilege of witnessing the remarkable progress and growth that our agency has achieved under your visionary leadership. Your strategic guidance and unwavering commitment to excellence have been instrumental in shaping our journey towards success.

Your dedication to innovation, sustainability, and community welfare has not only inspired us but has also set new benchmarks in the industry. We are truly grateful for your continued support and guidance, which have played a pivotal role in positioning Shanti HP Gas Agency as a prominent player in the market.

It would be an immense honor for me to personally meet and greet you, to express our gratitude and to learn from your experiences. Your leadership journey is a source of inspiration for all of us at Shanti HP Gas Agency, and we are eager to continue contributing to our shared goals under your esteemed guidance.

Once again, I extend my warmest greetings to you, Chairman Ms. Nishi Vasudeva. May your vision and leadership continue to inspire us to reach greater heights.

With the utmost respect and admiration,

Kamal Agrawal Partner Shanti HP Gas Agency

Shanti Group in Raipur

Celebrating Exceptional Achievement: Award for Highest Sales

We are thrilled to share some remarkable news that fills us with immense pride. Our distinguished Director, Mr. Kamal Agrawal, has been honored with a prestigious award for achieving the highest sales in the Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) CFA channel partner segment. Notably, he secured the 1st rank across All India for two consecutive financial years, 2018-19 and 2022-23. This remarkable accolade was presented to him by the esteemed Chairman of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Shri Mukesh Kumar Surana.

Mr. Agrawal's strategic acumen, dedication, and relentless pursuit of excellence have led to this extraordinary achievement, highlighting Shanti Traders' commitment to pushing boundaries and setting industry standards. Attaining the highest sales in such a competitive landscape on a national scale underscores his exceptional leadership and business insights.

We wholeheartedly extend our congratulations to Mr. Kamal Agrawal for these outstanding accomplishments and for casting a bright spotlight on Shanti Traders. These accolades underscore not only his personal dedication but also the ethos and principles that define our organization.

Mr. Agrawal's guidance and unwavering commitment continue to inspire our entire team, motivating us to raise the bar and achieve even greater milestones.

Let us all come together to celebrate this extraordinary achievement and convey our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Kamal Agrawal.

Best regards,

Shanti Traders